Monday, March 21, 2016

On the (near) future of Texas criminal justice reform

The Texas Observer published an essay by Grits describing an array of criminal justice reform issues likely to emerge during the 85th Texas Legislature next year. Check it out. And here's an awesome infographic they produced accompanying the story.

Thanks to editor Forrest Wilder for soliciting the article, it was fun to write, and hopefully you'll find it fun to read.


  1. Enjoyed the post, but - you spelled justice wrong, in Texas it is spelled Just-Us !

  2. Why are American Nationals punished, when illegals & illegal murderers are not?

  3. 10:04, why are you an insufferable moron with no clue about the justice system? Some questions in life are difficult to answer.

  4. Now, if we can persuade the public OR Corrections committees to sponsor a Bill or support a Ballot Initiative from the public, or smooth B.M. of a movement on establishing that, TCI and TDCJ (the State) pays a FAIR wage for prison labor and/or workable time credits/work credits, that increases a prisoner's chances of reaching parole faster than a runaway plantation "slave" (mebbe not dat fast!) - one or the other or (both is best) - than we've accomplished something...what budget?!!

    What does (TCI) make off their backs each month anyway...half a million $ a month?
    Amend TGC 498.003! It's high time...time credits that is!!

    Watch what's comin' 4/4/2016!!! A belated April Fool's Day

