Sunday, April 10, 2016

Innocence odds and ends

Several items related to wrongful convictions and innocence compensation may interest Grits readers:

A couple of weeks back, Grits mentioned the Court of Criminal Appeals ordering a new trial after DNA testing failed to inculpate a man named Darryl Adams who was convicted of rape in 1992. The case hadn't received the usual MSM coverage accompanying such events. Now, Jennifer Emily at the Dallas News provides some backstory on it.

The Texas Observer recently published an interview with exoneree Anthony Graves, who was also featured in the Dallas News last month for his philanthropic efforts supporting innocence work.

The Comptroller turned down compensation for Alfred Brown, whose wrongful conviction spurred the Legislature to eliminate the state's pick-a-pal grand jury system. Lisa Falkenberg has more.

In a similar vein, Jordan Smith has an update on Fran and Dan Keller's so-far-failed efforts to secure compensation for their false conviction for allegedly molesting preschool students back in the '90s.

Fusion recently published the story of Texas death row inmate Robert Pruett, accused of murdering a prison guard in the '90s, who is scheduled to be executed in August. He has always maintained his innocence and is hoping DNA testing will prove his innocence before then.

Here's the story out of Lubbock of Darene Brooks, a man falsely accused of raping a 12-year old who sat in jail 346 days before charges were dismissed.  Reported the Avalanche Journal:
Brooks believes his initial arrest was necessary, but believes his constitutional right to a reasonable bond was violated, saying it was a form of intimidation to pressure him to accept a plea deal.

Brooks said incarceration resulted in a financial hardship for his family, who had to move to a smaller home.

“It was kind of devastating,” he said. “We actually had to downgrade a lot because of this.”
Finally, the national Innocence Network this weekend held its conference in San Antonio. See coverage from KSAT.


  1. RE: Alfred Brown

    "...Brown, for his part, isn't surprised by the decision, his attorney said. Over the years, he's developed a sad patience with Texas' slowly grinding justice system..."

    This isn't a "slow grinding". This is pure stupidity.

    There are far too many windowlickers in the Texas justice system (e.g Comptroller Glenn Hegar). The citizens of Texas would be better served if we replaced them with cardboard cutouts of Beavis and Butthead.

  2. Just goes to show that they all innocent.
