Thursday, February 20, 2020

A brief hiatus

I'd mentioned earlier that your correspondent recently had a cancer diagnosis and a lump removed from my neck in December, leaving an ear-to-Adam's-apple scar that my granddaughter announced was reminiscent of Nearly Headless Nick from the Harry-Potter series.

I'm now in the midst of radiation therapy and, in the last week, it has knocked me down significantly more than I anticipated. (In particular, my 1/8-ton frame was not quite ready for the abrupt, no-solid-food switch!) As such, I'm going to suspend the blog until this is finished and I'm feeling better, hopefully in 5-6 weeks. No podcast this month; we'll see about March. It's possible I'll stick my head back in here a time or two if my energy improves or something urgent comes up. Otherwise, I'm focused on my health and perhaps catching up on reading and Netflix binging. Haven't had the energy for much else.

Wish me luck, folks! I'll report back in a few weeks.


  1. Hope you're back on your feet soon, Scott. I wish you all the very best.

  2. Wishing you a speedy and successful recovery! Take care!

  3. Yes, please rest up as much as your body wants. We hope to hear back from you as your healing progresses. As a 5x cancer survivor, I am sending you lots of healing vibes. Kick cancer to the curb!

  4. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  5. All the best!

  6. Lindsey Linder2/20/2020 12:24:00 PM

    Thinking of you, friend, and sending well wishes your way. Will be eagerly awaiting the return of Grits! Love and hugs!

  7. Best of luck and a speedy recovery!

  8. Best of luck on a complete and swift recovery.

  9. Love ya, Grits

  10. Good luck, get well soon!

  11. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!

  12. You are a national treasure. Guard that treasure by taking care of yourself.
    John Ritchey

  13. LINDA S ROLLER2/21/2020 02:06:00 AM

    I know you are going through hell, been there done that 3 times Non hodgkins Lymphoma 2002, 2009, 2017 Now in remission Thank God. If you get radiation burns, get Desitin Rash ointment for babies OTC I helps better than the radiation ointment they prescribe.
    Grits, my prayers are with you, take care, get plenty of rest, keep a strong relationship with family, find something to laugh at and believe in God. Prayers going up

  14. May your healing be swift and complete. Looking forward to a much needed, reinvigorated, and renewed light on dark places.

  15. I'm praying for your speedy recovery, Scott, and relief from all discomfort in this time of healing.

  16. Thoughts are with you :)

  17. Please get well soon. Your blog is one of the best out there, by far. I recommend you watch "Rectify" is you are in the mood for binge-watching. It explores what small investigative oversights, laziness, and tunnel vision in a murder investigation have on the subject, their family and an entire community. It was beautiful and haunting and makes you thankful for every righteous defense attorney.

  18. We'll miss you, but your health is what matters. We'll send you prayer and healing energies.

  19. Ditto what everyone else said. Always enjoy reading the blog.

  20. From unfiltered minds of independent thinkers of the 3rd Grade Dropout Section.

    Wishing you a hasty, healthy recovery, My Brother. You are a warrior, your voice is mush needed and irreplaceable.

  21. Your invaluable to those of us on the front lines fighting for justice. It takes a wear on you, and we know it. Take all the time to rest, and thank you for your continued heart here!

  22. Prayers for a quick and complete recovery.

  23. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Thank you for all you do!

  24. My prayers are with you. I have read your blog for years and hope to enjoy it in the years to come.

    I sincerely hope your experience with your malignancy turns out favorably, as mine has been so far.

    Kind Regards
    J A Herrera

  25. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  26. Get well soon, look forward to your return.

  27. Prayed with my wife for you to get well and will continue to do that. I believe there is no doubt that what you do pleases God. I hope you will remember that during your recovery and that will help heal you quicker. You must do everything you can to stay in shape with your doctor's advice.

  28. Courage and best of luck.

  29. Your friends at Faith in Texas lift up prayers, encouragement and faith in your miraculous recovery.

  30. Best of luck & hoping for a speedy recovery.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. You have certainly earned. Please rest and get better soon. Please let us know if there is any thing we can do to assist with your blog in the meantime as you recover and mend.

  33. Scott, prayers headed your way. Stay strong! You have many people who are in your corner and hoping/praying for a speedy recovery! Looking forward to reading many more articles in the near future.

  34. We are all hoping for a quick recovery! Good luck and we will be thinking of you.

  35. Praying for your quick recovery, Scott.

  36. From the cancer ward where I'm undergoing treatment to keep my leukemia from recurring,

    My thoughts are with you, Scott. Get well soon.

  37. U r a keeper! Keep on keepin on. We’re pullin for you!

  38. Best of luck for a speedy recovery!

  39. Sending prayers for your speedy recovery. Hang in there.

  40. Take all the time you need and don't worry. We'll worry for you!

  41. Gods Speed, Break a Leg... yer irreplaceable, OUR Friend !

  42. If you can't have solid food then I hope you can enjoy your grits for breakfast as much as all of us do!

    You're important Scott, we're all wishing you a speedy recovery!

  43. Wow, thanks, everyone, for the kind and generous thoughts. They're much appreciated. I'm truly grateful for all the support. :)

  44. Keeping you in prayer and wishing you the best. We will miss you while you are gone and patiently wait for your return. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.

  45. Keep the faith even on the crummy days. The best is yet to come.

  46. Prayers for your speedy recovery, Scott!

  47. I am happy that you are taking time for yourself during treatment and recovery. I wish you all the best and will sending positive thoughts your way.

  48. Texas prosecutor here. Been reading and listening to your blog and podcast for a long time. Was very sad to see this. I am hopeful that you will be back soon to continue your important work. It is very important to all the stakeholders in the criminal justice system.

  49. Canadian admirer here! Wishing you all the luck in the world - and more. I heartily agree with the anonymous Texas prosecutor who wrote: "Texas prosecutor here. Been reading and listening to your blog and podcast for a long time. Was very sad to see this. I am hopeful that you will be back soon to continue your important work. It is very important to all the stakeholders in the criminal justice system." One more comment: Don't rush things: Get back into action when you are truly ready. That, hallehjah, will come soon enough! Harold Levy.

  50. I hope you're feeling better soon, have missed you. Take care and rest!❤❤

  51. Get better! You are an integral voice and activist for human rights.
