Friday, August 07, 2020

No Confidence in You': Jingle mocks failures by Austin PD chief

The Austin Justice Coalition and Just Liberty have put out a new jingle and video calling for the ouster of Austin police Chief Brian Manley. Check it out, and please share widely on all social media channels.

I wrote the tune. Gabe Rhodes produced it and played guitar. It was sung by Johnathan Horstmann of Urban Heat (who I thought did a really good job). João Paulo Connolly at the Austin Justice Coalition made the video and his flying cows made me LOL. Hope you like it!

Regular readers are well aware of the #FireManley campaign launched after the murder of Mike Ramos in April, but for those looking for more background, see here. The Austin City Council on June 12th issued a "no confidence" vote regarding Chief Manley, but City Manager Spencer Cronk has steadfastly supported him. That must change. AJC has set up an action alert to send the city manager and council a message telling them Manley must go. Register your opinion today.


  1. Sounds like it is time for the city council to start compiling a dossier on the city manager for firing for cause.

  2. Scott, you have a talent for lyrics. Have you ever submitted a lyric to a composer for commercial sale?

  3. @Steven, I occasionally used to write jingles for TV/radio ads back when I was a professional opposition researcher. That's where I learned it.

  4. Strange, one of those YT things I guess but I couldn't get any sound. Speaker icon shows it's doing its thing but mum's the word.

  5. Huh. Working for me on both phone and PC, OL, also my wife's laptop. Idk. Did you check to make sure the sound is turned on on your machine?
