Monday, January 30, 2006

Another reason why a Mexican border wall is a stupid idea.

A wall is really going to help this, huh? Authorities have uncovered a 2,400 foot tunnel under the US-Mexico border near Tijuana. The only real way to find tunnels is through human intelligence, or snitches. The electronic gadgetry that's supposed to locate them turns out not to be effective. More than 20 cross-border tunnels have been discovered in California since the turn of the century. I'll bet there's a couple in New Mexico and Arizona, too. Via Drug War Rant.


  1. If half a million folks are strolling into the country from the south, I'd still like to take chances that a wall might slow them down. Make 'em dig.
    I've never seen the point of doing any security, especially TSA Airline searches, if you are going to let 500K folks walk over the border every year. Nor do laws like mandatory auto insurance make any sense...unless you can secure the border.
