Tuesday, January 31, 2006

RIP, Bud: Beloved Friend

Bud, 1994-2006

Last night one of my dogs, Bud, died of pneumonia. He was eleven, and the sweetest hound you'd ever want to meet. He leaves behind my wife and I and three other dogs, who are all themselves moping around over his demise -- one of the puppies, Domino, wouldn't even eat yesterday as Bud entered his final decline. Though never formally trained, Bud obeyed most voice commands (MUCH) better than my daughter ever did, so he never needed a leash beyond puppyhood. He loved us so much. He always wanted to please. You could always talk to Bud, and he would always listen. I miss him so much, already. When he died, I cried and cried.

Rest in peace, Bud. We love you.


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, Scott. But, I'm happy that you got to know and take good care of Bud. He looks like an intelligent and loving animal. I'm sorry. I know how it feels. I hope the other dogs will be ok.

  2. Ave atque vale, Bud.

    My condolences, Scott; I know how much it hurts to lose a loyal and trusting four-footed friend. They give so much for so little, and a piece of your heart goes into the Void with them. But at least you had the joy of knowing him.

  3. Sorry, Scott.

    Once, when I was six or seven, I caught a bug in one of those special bug catcher thingies...

    When I woke up the next day, it was dead. I cried all day long.

    I know, I know... You and Bud were closer than I and that insect ever could have been, but I hope the thought of a six year old Tom Angell crying his eyes out over a dead bug brings a smile to your face.

  4. I'm so sorry. My pup, Virginia, is getting on up there and I know the time is getting shorter to enjoy having her around.

  5. My condolences. I know how you feel. One of my cats fell to old age just a couple of weeks ago after 15 years, and his brother and I have been consoling each other.

  6. Scott, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  7. Thanks everybody, I appreciate that a lot. It's been a pretty rough day.

  8. Bud was a real character and I was sorry to hear of his sickness and death. I'm sure he and Doris are hooking up again.


  9. Scott, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, please accept my condolences. I know it doesn't bring your friend back, but it is good to know that there are people out there who know what you are going through and care about you. I have lost 2 of my feline friends and a loving wife in the last 4 years. Passing time has a magical healing property for a loss such as this, I hope it works for you too. I will say a prayer for you tonight.

  10. I'm very sorry for your loss. I, too, know how it feels to lose a beloved dog.

  11. So sorry to hear this, Scott. I'm going to give my dog a few extra Milk-Bones tonight in Bud's honor. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

    -- Charles Kuffner

  12. Sorry to hear that, Scott.
