Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nomination of anti-sex toy activist to parole board draws more criticism

Houston Chronicle columnist Lisa Falkenberg says that, with the appointment of anti-sex toy activist Shanda Perkins to the Board of Pardons and Paroles, Governor Rick Perry’s "shameless pandering to the fire-and-brimstone fringes of his party crossed a line into absurdity."

After that harsh assessment, though, Falkenberg says only that the Texas Senate should take "a closer look" before rubber stamping Governor Perry's choice.

Grits readers will recall that Perkins led an infamous morality crusade in Johnson County against sex toy sales that resulted in Texas' law being declared unconstitutional by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

According to Falkenberg, "Perry’s spokeswoman Allison Castle said the governor has known Perkins for 'many years and believes she’s 'the most qualified candidate.'”

Huh ... the "most qualified"? Really? That's the Governor's story? You mean the fact that she's out distributing anonymous attack flyers at political events targeting his all-but-announced gubernatorial primary opponent has nothing to do with it? That's a bit of a stretch.


  1. Breaking news: Trick and Shanda are the same person!!! Just look at the hair and those flat reptilian eyes......
    This would be funny if it weren't so serious. The lives of literally 100's of thousands of people could be adversely affected by this woman, and her bizarre beliefs, in TDCJ. Texas has become the laughing stock of the nation. It is time for the citizens to pay attention and elect a very much better class of leaders.

  2. And how much pay does a parole board member 'earn'?

    Payback for favors rendered?

  3. Oh man, Lisa Falkenberg and a story about sex toys. It's like a perfect storm of want.

  4. It's absolutely ludicrous for Perry to claim that she is the "most qualified" candidate. Is she qualified? Maybe. But the most qualified candidate? Please. That's absurd on its face.

  5. "Most qualified candidate" was what George H. W. Bush said about Clarence Thomas for SCOTUS.

  6. It is my understanding that yesterday all nominations were approved as recommended.

  7. FYI - He/She (Shanda) comes with an $80,000 price tag. Nice perks for being a pyschopath.

  8. Trick?????? HUH??!! Where have I heard this name before???

  9. Is it time to impeach Perry yet? I believe his decision making process warrants at least the idea of it. Texas is one step closer to the Puritan movement.

    The woman, Perkins, is bad for Texas; I mean really bad. Her ultra right evangelical stance borders on fascist in its ideal and interpretation..

  10. Has Shanda Perkins been approved???

  11. Need to vote for someone else come the next election for governor!!! Perry is a joke! I think there is definitely some "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" going on with Perkins!

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