Shanda G. Perkins of Burleson is a retired banking executive. She is a member of the United Way of Johnson County Board of Directors and Burleson Lions Club. She is also director of the Johnson County Chamber Summit, and is a member and past ambassador of the Burleson Chamber of Commerce. She also volunteered as a youth pastor, counselor and Sunday school teacher at Lighthouse Church. Perkins replaces Jose Aliseda of Beeville.That doesn't explain, though, why she's being appointed to this slot. As far as I can tell, Mrs. Perkins' sole experience in the criminal justice realm stems from a personal morality crusade against the sale of sex toys in Johnson County that led to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals overturning Texas' law on the subject.
The other two parole board members named were reappointed veterans, board chair Rissie Owens and Juanita Gonzalez of Round Rock. I frequently disagree with Rissie Owens, who as presiding officer exercises significant control over the board's direction, but I'd never say she's unqualified. In Mrs. Perkins' case, though, I fear the Governor is putting politics over what's best for the state's troubled prison system.
UPDATE: It turns out Mrs. Perkins has been busy lately distributing unsigned attack flyers against Kay Bailey Hutchison on behalf of Governor Perry claiming the senator and Barack Obama are aligned on abortion. The Star-Telegram's Poli-Tex blog said, Perkins "described herself as a Tarrant and Johnson County chair for the Perry campaign."
"that led to the US Supreme Court overturning Texas' law on the subject."
It was the 5th Circuit. Otherwise, the post is entirely correct.
I corrected it in the post, TL, thanks.
Why would anyone want to ban some of the best things that life has to offer?
1. Sex
2. Toys
She MUST be evil. : )
God, if anyone ever looked like they needed a vibrator, it's this lady.
Something tells me she's got some hidden away that run off a two-cycle engines. Kind of like Hoover hunting down homosexuals while he wore dresses at night, or Republican senators having gay sex in men's rooms, or evangelicals hiring male prostitutes....
This is the same woman that railroaded another board member for being part of one of those woman's party clubs. We DO NOT want this tart on anything governmental board.. if she gets there, might as well say good bye to anything not puranical christian in nature.. and don't even THINK about anything other than missionary folks.. This woman, and her backers want to get inside your bedroom.. I live in Burleson.. I have seen her in action...
Thats a MAN, baby!
They can take my guns, but please leave me my vibrator!!
Thanks for the inspiration! I covered this in our sex toy blog today and invited everyone to send their Senators a dildo in Perkins's honor to oppose her nomination.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles should not be composed completely of folks with experience in TDCJ.
Surely there are people with experience in government that have better qualificantion than this woman.
Someone with a background in rehabilitation and reintegration issues would be a much better choice.
I agree with you, it is a sad day when Perry gives out positions on the BPP to his political cronies!
Felons in TDCJ for sexual crimes will be there a bit longer I rekon'
Whew! That is one ugly woman. I would say she either gets herself a top of the line fibrator or marks having sex off her calendar of events. Or perhaps wears a brown paper bag over her head if someone dares to grace her with his...well, you know.
Who says it doesn't pay to be part of Perry's campaign team? Appears that doing dirty work (getting him reelected would be obscenely dirty) will get you an appointment. As for old Rissie...I've often wondered what dirt she has on Perry in order to keep her job that she does not do well.
I doubt any sex offender will make parole with this Bible beater on the board. OH, pardon me, she can pray for them instead. Isn't it amazing that Perry continues to show his ass and the people of this state, by a record low margin, continue to keep him office?
Damn, I need to run and recharge my batteries.....
Geez, people! Can we please do without the commentary on her appearance or sexual proclivities?
Try to limit your comments to things you'd be willing to say in front of your grandmother ... or perhaps what you'd say to your state senator's office when you call to say they shouldn't confirm her appointment.
This appointment is a slap in the face of fair judgment. This Perkins woman is a nut job. She not only led a crusade against the rights and freedoms that Americans have fought and died for, the roots of this crusade stem from jealously over a former friend whom the crusade was aimed. The crusade was fought using gossip mongering and spreading of lies, a sin punishable by spiritual leprosy. The picture shows. Perkins is also related to the local religious ruling family whose head pastor is a woman. The whole religious right in Burleson is under the authority of a woman. Not real biblical according to King James. Perhaps if some of these women in Burleson would use a sex toy they might let their men go back to being the head and not the tail. Perkins is a result of a spiritually sick community and if she is a shining representative then it’s safe to conclude that no person from Burleson should be expected to judge fairly for allowing Perkins to gain the experience in the justice system the way she did.
OK, no comments on how she looks or her sexual practices or lack thereof.
How about....No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
But here it comes! The appointment of such an individual to the parole board is a slap in the face to any claims of parole reform in Texas.
What next, bring back public hangings for adults who may own a DVD or two of a less puritanical nature.....burning sex toy owners at the stake? Exactly what is it going to take before Texans start to become aware that the State is entirely too interested in what happens in the privacy of it's residents bedrooms and act on it?
Okay, Scott, I will try to keep my comments NOT about how ugly she is or how she is anti-sex toy (as per the title of this post.) However, I guarantee you that I would say the exact same thing to my grandmother, my mother, my priest, pastor or senator. If you wanted "nice" you shouldn't have printed her photo...who reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker (God rest her soul) with the mascara.
The only qualifications mentioned is the fact she is anti-Kay Baily and pro-Perry. In my mind that is enough to disqualify her from doing anything significant on the Board of Pardons and Paroles. Please convince me that she has something...hell, anything...going for her that will help empty our overcrowded prisons and allow some of our prisoners a second chance at a normal life. Given some qualifications that will stand the test of time and I will stop making fun of her looks and the fact that she has no toys.
Well, she doesn't have any qualifications and what I have observed over the years are those that are so stringent, without consideration or rationalization, are usually the criminals. I.E. the governor who prosecuted prostitutes and other legal entities was caught with one. The governor who is against child abuse and rape (Perry) did nothing but appoint his right hand aid Alfonso Royal to the position and both were aware of what was going on and did nothing and hid everything. So, by rule of thumb...I am positive in due time..some scandal about this woman in some suspect position with some suspect official will be brought out. Perry needs to be booted out and his appointment...the judge that sentenced that black boy wrongfully from Collin County - Whillis was appointed by Perry, his appointments all have suspicion and his decisions are self inflating...look into this long and hard.
In the event that she is not confirmed for this position, I'm sure she could get elected to the State Board of Education.
As a right wing Christian, I feel that this lady is a prime example of how the religious in our country have also become the modern day Pharisees, full of their own self righteousness. My first wife used to always say that it is scriptural. The "marriage bed is not defiled". What goes on between a man and a woman, especially husband and wife, is no ones business! No sex toys, Whaa???
Same thing with alcohol. There actually was a WCTU woman, who helped repeal prohibition! Alcohol is no more forbidden in the Bible than sex is! The status of alcohol, during prohibition, was the result of "puritanical" and not true Biblical views! The "religious" have been putting too much influence into the our world that is not actually supported by what one would read in the scriptures. I guess, because most of the brethren would not bother to read it, for themselves.
Freedom of religion is a good thing. But, the founding fathers used the first amendment to guarantee we could be free from religious persecution. That included not establishing a national religion. This ladies type of behavior, seems to me, to be the exact thing they wanted to prevent. They knew people could use their own personal interpretation to persecute anyone who did not follow their religious views, as does this lady. Did they see that even the religious would try to take away our God given rights? I guess they experienced that with the Church of England! I think that is where the pilgrims came from!
How bout we either leave the Bible in or take it out, either way, not separate church and state when it is profitable for the bureaucrats. We still have the old rules pertaining to when it is legal to purchase alcohol..we can't buy 'sex toys'..but no prayer in schools...either separate it or don't, but don't write a personal profitable doctrine(the legal system is begining to look like a church)
OK, lets play pretend for a minute and see if anything changes in the game. What if, instead of being a Perry appointee, she were an Ann Richards appointee. Now, before you go on a "when hell freezes over" binge, think about it! What if Ann Richards saw this lady (for whatever reasons she had), as the right person for the Parole Board? And for grins, what if Scott hand not "innocently" posted her picture, causing such an outpouring of projections and secret sexual fantasies? Then who is she? Remember, NO Perry, NO Republican, NO Picture. Remember your arguing with yourself now!!
Never insult small minded men in positions of power. The more corrupt the Republic,
the more the laws.
JTP, so long as she was responsible for the anti-sex toy jihad in Johnson County and had no other experience with the justice system, I'll guarantee I'd oppose her nomination whether she was appointed by Ann Richards or anybody else, and regardless of what she looks like.
I don't think it matters much who they put on the BPP. The amount of cases that they decide is so voluminous that they can't possible spend more than a couple of minutes contemplating the idea of release one way or the other.
I suspect that the decision is made long before a file ever reaches their hand in the form of the unit parole officers report or some other internal classification system at TDCJ.
As a procedural matter, I don't really see how it could be otherwise for the majority of those up for parole.
If I can recall how that system generally works, it goes like this. The bulk of case reviews are done by IPO's (Institutional Parole Officer's). They interview the offender, submit a report up the line which is reviewed by a local Parole Commissioner who handles specific units. If the interview passes muster, the commissioner votes on the case for further processing or set off. If the case finally makes it to the Board Members, they also vote one way or the other. The biggest responsability of the Board members is on high profile cases and death cases. So the big numbers are handled for the most part on a regional level. The Parole Commissioners are TDCJ employees (partly political jobs), and the Board Members are appointed by the Governor for specified terms. If I am wrong on any points, please feel free to correct.
It sure would be nice for our governor to make appoinments with people on the parole borad that had experience WITH felons- -not just opposing them- -have a perosn that copuld be FAIR in their judgment- -not right off the bat be agaisnt the felons.
Gee, what a nice dream- -but all our great governor can do is appoint his "buddies" that will go around and bash his oppondent- -how clever- -not!
And people wonder WHY our prisons are over crowed- -because our own governor has way to many buddies doing this job that have NO experience or should even be close to doing this type of work.
Stands to reason- -he can't be a good governor, so I guess one attracks what they are- -right? Politics, nothing more- -not right and she ought to be banned!
Why is it that so many Texas church ladies go to church looking like streetwalkers?
Wow! A majority of you are very judgmental. To judge someone because you do not think their qualified is one thing. However, to judge someone by their looks is HARSH.
Here is a great new game we could play since only a few of you actually had something intelligent to say. Obviously you all LOVE judging others by their appearance, so why don’t all of you who are so into that kind of thing post your photo and lets see how many super models we have on here.
I’m from the Burleson area and remember when this story came out. As I understand it, it was against the law to sale sex toys, Right! So when did following the rules become a crime?
I myself have “toys” and quite the tree hugger-vegan type but was never offended or felt threatened by this.
It is ludicrous for everyone to assume that everything you read is 100% accurate anyways.
After reading all of your post would much rather have a “bible thumping” woman who would follow the LAW - even if I do not agree with the LAW - judge me then to have a bunch of self-righteous hypocrite like you do the job.
On the subject of her not being qualified. How many of us have thought “man I could do a better job than that guy”? (Even when your “Not” qualified.) Here’s my thoughts, just because you’re a women doesn’t make you a mother, a great wife or a “babysitter” just because your a man doesn’t make you a “Man” or father, provider, preacher, etc. Just because you’re a Judge don’t make you a good one, just because you finished law school doesn’t make you a good lawyer. Just because your President doesn’t mean it was a good decision. Many qualified people SUCK at their jobs and there are many average “unqualified” people who could do a HECK of a better job.
So don’t judge a book by its “cover” can’t we all just hope this will be an amazing thing for Texas. Or does it make you feel better being so negative? Try a new thing and think good thoughts you never know what sending good vibes can do…:O)!!
I'm in the sex toy industry. People who want to extend the fun they have in the bedroom have that right. Exploring new things between partners, well its hard to find anything wrong with that. Enough of our rights are being taken away, NOT SEX TOO! If you would like to contact me leave me a blog. I'm fellow TEXAN not that far from Burlesson.
Johnson County is overrun with official nuts who deny many due process and ignore civil rights at will. About the lady who got the wrath of the misdirected sex police, Joanne Webb, she's a nice lady trying to spread joy and fulfillment.
Johnson County only cares about money and making as many people suffer to subdue the rest. Talk about corruption here, be vocal, file complaints.
If you are disabled or the friend of the disabled, contact the county ADA coordinator with complaints. He has to answer and with paper documentation you are better able to fight abuses.
Officials can be jailed and/or find, maybe worse, for conspiracy to deny civil rights amongst other state and US crimes. Lives have been lost to corruption.
There may be a silver lining here. Maybe this woman would be willing to supply sex toys to the large homosexual population inside TDCJ in an effort to reduce the AIDS epidemic that is causing TDCJ health costs to go through the roof? This would, no doubt, save the souls of the Texas public from demon plastic dildos (probably made in China like everything else) and convince many convicts that they don't even need to seek parole since everything they "really need in life" is inside TDCJ.
I'd prefer to receive moral guidance from someone that doesn't look like an Orange County swinger.
Everything is bigger in Texas
Why is she trying to outlaw sex toys when (basing from her creepy picture) she badly needs one?!
I have to say I feel sorry for this lady. She must be so screwed up within her own mind that she feels threatened by what others do in the privacy of their own homes. It appears what she has become obsessed with is something that is not new. The Romans, Greeks and every race alive has indulged in sex toy use of some description or other. I remember seeing Zsa Zsa Gabor being interviewed once and she was asked about people with OCD - her answer was to get a lover! Not striclty politically correct but it would damn sure take your mind off the small things that had previously been obsessing you!
No one has the right to deprive us of having a little fun!
I wouldn't give up my vibrator for anyone.
This story just makes me go crazy!
How does something like this get that far into law! Who cares
How can she outlaw sex toys? The whole idea is just plain ridiculous! Texas is one crazy place.
Johnson County is overrun with official nuts who deny many due process and ignore civil rights at will. About the lady who got the wrath of the misdirected sex police, Joanne Webb, she's a nice lady trying to spread joy and fulfillment.
Very interesting, even though i dont really agree with the points putting across.
this certainl shocked me, and i must agree with the majority of the other comments
Thank god it was over turned
Really!!! People have a lot less to be happy about these days, regulation in the bedroom department is not welcome MR GOVERNOR!!!!
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