Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back reading the blogs

I haven't been making my usual rounds at the blogs since returning from vacation, but these recent items grabbed my attention and reminded me why I should:
  • Businesses for Rational Immigration Laws: Dallas Blog reports that the Texas Association of Business has launched a new group, Texas Employers for Immigration Reform, to support a guest worker program and other initiatives that protect their labor pool. See the Dallas Morning News' coverage.
  • 'Double blind' lineups? The Truth About False Confessions points to proposals by the California Commission for the Fair Administration of Justice for "double blind" lineups where officers showing photo arrays of to witnesses don't know which person is the suspect.


Anonymous said...

"I haven't been making my usual rounds at the blogs since returning from vacation, but these recent items grabbed my attention and reminded me why I should:"

Which means you missed the article on MSNBC about the rise in crime.>1=8404

Where's the drug task force when you need them?

Gritsforbreakfast said...

Actually I mentinoed that in the post on Crime in Mexico.

Two responses to your red herring: 1) The article talks about other states, not TX, and 2) they didn't get rid of the drug task forces outside of Texas. So what that article tells us is that crime is rising DESPITE drug task forces.

Every murder is a terrible tragedy. That's why it's better to reserve prison space for killers than lowly drug users, IMO. As I've argued before, the drug task force strategy of making lots of low level busts makes everyone less safe.

Shaine Mata said...

Thanks for reading. I'm glad you're back home safe in Texas. I look forward to going home too.