Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Plano steroid dealer says he sold to police in five Metroplex cities

Somehow I missed the story from earlier this month about a Plano steroid distrubutor who's threatening to blow the whistle on Metroplex area police officers. While headlines focused on his alleged sale of steroids to former Cowboys punter Matt Lehr, reported WFAA-TV ("Man says Plano police stole steroids from him during a raid," May 1):

David Jacobs says he’s ready to name names of police officers who got steroids from his network. "We as people have given them a set of authority to uphold these laws, but they are breaking them right in front of our faces," said Jacobs.

Jacobs is talking about officers in five cities: Garland, Richardson, Dallas, Arlington, and Plano. He says the Plano officers stole from him during a raid.

"And to steal money from my house, and steal steroids, and steal growth hormones from my house, then put handcuffs on me and then judge me," said Jacobs.

Plano police say Jacobs has yet to file a formal complaint with them so they have not investigated the allegations.

Federal prosecutors are investigating professional athletes.

When asked if he thought that a lot of professional athletes would be brought into this scandal, he answered: “I think this is way bigger than baseball.”

According to the Dallas News, Jacobs informed police about the alleged theft and steroid use by officers when he was arrested, but apparently Plano PD was waiting for him to complain formally to Internal Affairs. That's a pretty lackadaisical response to allegations by a known steroids dealer that he sold drugs to your officers!

Will these allegations of steroid use by Metroplex police be investigated or swept under the rug? And will authorities express as much interest in Jacobs' police officer clients as those who are professional athletes? They should, but I doubt it.

See prior related Grits posts:


Anonymous said...

Grown men are allowed to use Gin & Tonic so they should be allowed to use steriods.

Maybe not athletes but cops or anybody else, sure. especially if the cops need to stay in shape for their jobs. Donuts and coffee don't help.

Only down-side is that "roid rage" isn't an attractive trait, especially if he is armed with a weapon. Outside of sports, law enforcement is about the only legal outlet for smash-mouth agression.

Gritsforbreakfast said...

I tend to agree with that anon, but I'd add another downside - as long as steroids are illegal, when cops purchase and use them it opens them up to blackmail, corruption, and participation (at varying levels) in black market drug rings.

Certainly there are good arguments for police officers wanting to take steroids, and I'm actually quite sympathetic to the idea that they ought to be able to do so. My personal view is that steroids, like marijuana, pose modest risks that are knowingly taken by those using the substances, and probably should be legalized. But as long as steroids are illegal, making sure cops don't participate in an illicit drug culture is a LOT more important than policing baseball players. best,

Stephen said...

Certainly there are good arguments for police officers wanting to take steroids, and I'm actually quite sympathetic to the idea that they ought to be able to do so. My personal view is that steroids, like marijuana, pose modest risks that are knowingly taken by those using the substances, and probably should be legalized. But as long as steroids are illegal, making sure cops don't participate in an illicit drug culture is a LOT more important than policing baseball players

That is an excellent point.

Anonymous said...

Grits, while I agree with you conclusion, I completely disagree with your reasoning.

I have never heard anyone (other than the people slinging them) claim that steroids are NOT a mood altering drug. Among other things, they increase the level of testosterone in the bloodstream, which isn't such a good thing while you're trying to control your temper. Have it from the horses mouth, here's some ancedotal evidence.

Why don't the police officers take martial arts classes (effective ones that focus on combat training), hit the gym more, learn how not to violate citizen's constitutional liberties, and receive additional training on how to deal with mentally ill people? Why don't we give them incentives to do so? Wouldn't that deserve more sympathy?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they should crucify the police based upon the bare allegations of this drug dealer. A drug dealer would never lie to get the police in trouble, would they?

Man, if this was some dealer lying against a sports star like Benson, you'd be screaming bloody murder about the injustice.

Why do you have a double standard for police vs. regular citizens? Don't police enjoy the same ACLU rights as the rest of the population?

Gritsforbreakfast said...

I didn't say "crucify," which is your word. I said "investigate." They're investigating others based on this guy's testimony, but you'd have us believe tht when he also accuses cops the accusation should be dismissed as the "bare allegations of this drug dealer." Then you have the gall to accuse ME of a double standard! That's serious chutzpah. I'm calling for the cops to be treated just like everybody else he accused.

Also, perhaps you've missed the countless Grits posts where I've insisted that informant testimony should be corroborated in ALL cases, including for police. I don't think anyone should be convicted based on the "bare allegations" of an informant, for anything.

There's no double standard. If this guy's word is good enough to prosecute others on, it's good enough to investigate the police he accuses, too. And if it's true that he sold steroids to police in those five departments, one would think their supervisors would want to know.

Anonymous said...

wait until the cops use their roid muscles to pound his snitching self.

Toxic Reverend said...

A policeman that had been busted for steroid abuse stated that he believes 20%-25% if policeman use steroids.

Cops on Steroids
It's the "other" doping scandal.
By:Sabrina Rubin Erdely, Illustrations by: Eddie Guy
Publisher; Mens Health,

I have posted a small collection of stories on this subject and posted them at;

Roid a Cops
Steroid abuse and police brutality.

If the police were properly educated about the side effects of steroid abuse and shown an applicable alternative, I doubt that they would use them. There are a good number of peer reviewed medical journal articles about nutritional supplements that can balance and increase your human growth hormones, with out any of the side effects. While such supplements are expensive, you can get the same results by eating two fertilized organic eggs, per day.
The nutrition in "fertilized" organic eggs has a dramatic variance from organic eggs and even more so than non-organic eggs.

Education on avoiding common toxic chemical exposures would also be needed.

How ever, a class of toxic chemicals called "endocine disrupters" can also impact this. (The gonads are a part of the endocrine system). The same people that own the chemical companies also own the drug companies and control the medical research. Because testing for toxic chemicals in chronic illnesses and cancers had not been done, I can not say that "they" are treating the effects of toxic chemical exposures with "medications". By the same token, "they" can not say that "they" are not.
This gets complicated. See;
Healthcare: The Lobbyiests Hostage, is the Internet Next ?

The bottom line is that we are all in this together and do not really have the time for "in fighting".
On reference:
Blog of
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Suicide - Homicide and the Biochemistry of Crime


The Toxic Reverend
Tom Krohmer
Environmental Technologist

Anonymous said...

|.XShoutingLoudly"Blogging a dead horse";]Grits for breakfast"Plano steroid dealer says he/she sold-off to '110' in 5 Metroplex cities";]Accusation of stealing,theft,robbery,graft & corruption is not justiceable to no pity-heart;]ieie:)/=*.|

Anonymous said...

All DEA Control listing are based upon Calvinistic protocol, (the enjoyment factor)

That is why a smaller & less dangerous Diazepam like ambien is listed as more "controlled" than a more dangerous Diazepam like Vallium or Xanax

They literally study the drugs "fun factor"; (well, they call it abuse potential)

Any way you look it up, all US Law in this regard is based on Calvinistic belief's that mans urges are inherently evil

Anonymous said...

policemen use steroid according to the dealer. I think this is true,suspect tell that officer of policemen use steroid after they arrest.

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I just want to emphasize the good work on this blog, has excellent views and a clear vision of what you are looking for.

Toxic Reverend said...

A report titled "Broken System"
showed that less than 5% of the
police in Chicago were responsible
for the majority of pollice abuse

But I have to stress more than the
majority of the police do an
excellent job.

There is nothing about steroids
mentioned in the report. As though
the issue does not exist and
has not been evaluated, as to what
extent steroid abuse might have
played in cases or reported police


I have some other information, including a link to a "Stop Police Steroid Abuse Group" in my
Myspace Blog titled,
"Taser Deaths and Roid a Cops - Epidemic of Police Brutality & Steroid Abuse"
Posted at http://www.myspace.com/toxicreverend

On another subject, I have pposted
some good R&D at

"Taser Realities"
Research on the use of taser's (Conductive Energy Device CED) in various communities that have modified the deployment protocols after performance audits.
Posted at

I am cross linking this comment with the "Broken System" blog to
raise the steroid issue to their attention.



Büyüler said...

Grown men are allowed to use Gin & Tonic so they should be allowed to use steriods.

Maybe not athletes but cops or anybody else, sure. especially if the cops need to stay in shape for their jobs. Donuts and coffee don't help.

Only down-side is that "roid rage" isn't an attractive trait, especially if he is armed with a weapon. Outside of sports, law enforcement is about the only legal outlet for smash-mouth agression.

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hi good morning

My personal opinion is that steroids, pose grave risks modest knowing that taken by those who use substances, and probably should be legalized.

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