Sunday, June 03, 2007

For this death row inmate his execution IS a laughing matter

Texas death row inmate Patrick Knight, who scheduled to die later this month, is soliciting jokes online with the help of a friend on the outside to tell as part of his last statement, reports the Houston Chronicle. Perhaps not surprisingly, he's getting a lot of lawyer jokes.


Anonymous said...

Lawyer jokes

Did you hear the one about the lawyer who slept at the trial of his client who was then sentenced to death?

How about the one where the joke of a lawyer copied the writ written for another inmate on death row and submitted it to the Court of Criminal Appeals for his client?

How about the joke about the lawyer who got appointed to be Chair of the Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence?

And the biggest lawyer joke in Texas? The one who is presiding judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Anonymous said...

What was the convict's crime? Whatever the circumstances, I imagine the victim's relatives aren't laughing. Don't go gently into that goodnight, brother. You can keep making fun until the executioner snuffs the last breath out of your pathetic life.

Anonymous said...

I imagine the convict's family isn't laughing either. Least you forget, convict's have families that become victims too. You wish to see this convict and his pathetic life snuffed out, better yet, you wish he would not go gently. You would call it execution, Texas style, I'm sure. I call it legalized murder, Texas style. Trust me, a life sentence with no parole in this miserable, brutal prison system would be far more cruel than the executioners needle. This convict will be free. However, you will continue to breath air and administer your vitriolic renederings. I can't help but wonder which of you is better off.

Anonymous said...

Knight would agree with 4:37-

"I know I'm not innocent," said Knight, who believes his appeals have been exhausted. "They think they're killing me. They think they're punishing me. They've already punished me. I've already had 16 years of punishment. They're releasing me. They're letting me go. That's helping me out. That's the way I look at it."

Anonymous said...

I tend to agree. Whether you are guilty or innocent a life sentence is the end of a real life - with no hope for a better one. A death sentence - especially if you believe in reincarnation or an afterlife [for those innocents] - is a release from a life that is effectively ended.

Anonymous said...

A lot of inmates facing a life sentence seem to think it is a harsher punishment than death. The death penalty might be popular among many prosecutors, but life in prison is the real shit.

Italian lifers ask for death penalty

ROME, May 31 (UPI) — A mobster serving a life sentence and more than 300 fellow prisoners have asked the president of Italy to restore the death penalty.

Carmelo Musumeci, 52, earned a law degree during his 17 years in prison after passing high-school graduation tests. But he told President Giorgio Napolitano that in prison his future will be the same as his past no matter what he does.

The letter was signed by 310 other prisoners serving life sentences, the BBC reported.

Anonymous said...

Dear 4:37, perhaps I could have phrased my sentiments differently to avoid offending your delicate sensibilities but it's really not my nature to speak in euphemistic terms when it comes to folks stabbing, gutting, shooting or mutilating the innocent. You see, I have met and come to know hundreds of murderers over the last 25 years of working in the penitentiary and supervising probationers/parolees in four different states. Murderers cross a line that most people can't cross. Some are remorseful afterwards and if they are serving a life sentence, they are tormented by their conscience for the rest of their life. Their life sentence is, in fact, a worse punishment than death. Then there are the Knight(s) of the world, they're all innocent in their minds, they have no remorse because they have no human feelings that are common to the rest of mankind. Because he lacks the internal controls, he will kill again for little or no reason. I've seen the utter devastation, the incredible pain that these people are capable of inflicting. The best thing that can happen to Mr. Knight is to disappear into that potter's ground, laughing or not. Signed 11:04

Anonymous said...

"but it's really not my nature to speak in euphemistic terms when it comes to folks stabbing, gutting, shooting or mutilating the innocent."

You forgot to mention lethally injecting the innocent, as probably happened to Cameron Willingham.

Anonymous said...

i got one:

i would like to be the exicutioner on a cool fall evening at daylight saving time. therefore, i can tell him looks like its time, then tell him oh you got one more minute.

Anonymous said...

I don't place lethal injection in the same category of mutilation and murder. Many of those murdered would have considered lethal injection a blessing compared to the brutal fates that they suffered. If Knight were scheduled to experience the same fate of his victims, I'm sure he wouldn't be laughing right now.

Anonymous said...

"I don't place lethal injection in the same category of mutilation and murder."

What do you think about lethal injections of innocent people, like Cameron Willingham?

Anonymous said...

If a truly innocent man were lethally injected, I propose that his incompetent defense counsel be lethally injected alongside him.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to the contest... wtf is wrong with this guy>??!??!