Monday, September 24, 2007

Book 'em, Horns

Rice's band, the MOB, poked fun at the University of Texas' football team's legal troubles during halftime of Saturday's 58-14 blowout. Reported Bevo Beat, "the skit featured three orange-wearing scofflaws running around the field and being chased by police in cardboard cars while the rest of the band formed a block T."

The MOB announcer also congratulated Texas A&M for their recent decision to "no longer outsource Reveille's training to Michael Vick."


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's 58-14. Give us a little credit, huh?

Gritsforbreakfast said...

I corrected it - I wouldn't want to under-sell the Rice football program! best,

Anonymous said...

I know that successful black athletes are often targeted by police and despite this practice many don't avoid "hot spots" where trouble arises. When you are under a microscope you need to use extra care. I seriously doubt that GW Bush was a boy scout in his college daze. He probably got into worse situations that police politely ignored. You don't advance your police career by busting well connected people.

Anonymous said...

"He probably got into worse situations that police politely ignored."

That's an interesting accusation. I've heard lots of things said about Bush, but I don't think I've heard that (at Yale) he committed armed robbery, burglary, or beat up witnesses to any of those transgressions.

Anonymous said...

How the hell did you make those cars????